Origin: Austria
Genre: Jazz
Years Active: 2014 - present
Label: Jazzwerkstatt Records
Official Websites:
Recording & Mixing: Leo Heubach
Mastering: Bo Savik
Artwork: Katharina Gruzei
Astrid Wiesinger - alto&soprano sax
Florian Sighartner - violin & electronics
Beate Wiesinger - bass & electronics
Due to the possibility of a wide range of musical expressions and the fact that the players like to take over different “roles“ or “responsibilties“, this band naturally leads the compositions to a category of its own.
The music created by violinist Florian Sighartner, saxophonist Astrid Wiesinger and bassist Beate Wiesinger is truly different but could also be described as a mix of the spirit of John Zorn´s Masdada combined with Eric Dolphy´s improv-attitude rooted on pop and hip hop grooves of the 21st century.
"Da wird mutig Neuland beschritten, nicht nur was den Klang, sondern auch was den Stilmix von Jazz über Zeitgenössisches und Ethno bis Pop betrifft."
-CONCERTO Magazin, 2/2017, schu
"Ein sensationelles Debut"
- Klaus Nüchtern, Falter, 15.03.2017
Musik, die nach ihren ganz eigenen undefinierbaren Regeln abläuft, ungemein viel Stimmung entwickelt und gerade deshalb auch so aufmerksam zuhören lässt "
- Michael Ternai, MICA, 09.02.2017

© Corinne L. Rusch

© Corinne L. Rusch

© Heinz Nenning

© Corinne L. Rusch